Flying into the sunset....


New member
The weather was too good to pass up (usually I just nap after work). Went up for an hour something, flying into the sunset over KSLC looking over the Great Salt Lake. Screen grab from my GoPro.

RussR said:
I've always wanted to see "two" sunsets.
Lie down and watch it set. Then stand up and watch it set again.

I've heard that it's possible to take off just after sunset, then as you climb the sun starts peeking up again, then it sets again. I have no idea what climb rate is required, but I was under the impression that it was within the capability of common GA aircraft.

I could do some math to figure it out, but anyone done this or know the details?
This involves observing two sun rises or sunsets by changing one's position from lying down and standing "Measuring the Earth's Curvature":

"Doubling your sunsets or how anyone can measure the Earth's size with wristwatch and meter stick":